Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer Giveaway

Time for another giveaway. I am giving one lucky person some of my favorite summer items which include this scarf and beaded bracelet (from American Eagle) and these aviator sunglasses.

To win all of these items, become a follower on my blog (if you are not already) AND leave a comment on what you love most about summer. To earn an extra entry, tell someone about this giveaway and let me know. This giveaway will end Monday July 18 at 11:59 p.m. EST. 


  1. I LOVE grilllin' with some friend..which I haven't had a chance to do this summer! :( Oh! AND the pool!!! :)

    I am already a follower AND

    I posted this on my FB page to share with my FB friends! :)

  2. What I love most about summer is going to the beach.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. I love vacations, nice weather and cute clothes.

  4. Beach Days: surfing, tanning, bond fires... when I was home in San Diego, of course! But now that I live here I'd have to say the 4th of July in Utah is my favorite thing about summer b/c of all the pariotism & celebration.

  5. I shared on my facebook wall cause i love this website and all the great stuff you have on here.

  6. My favorite thing about summer is summer nights and the freckles that come out on my cheeks when I've been in the sun all day. Utah summers are amazing.

  7. I love being able to lay in the sun and going to the beach. I love being able to hang out with friends. I am a gfc follower.
    helldog3 at

  8. Love having a free schedule to do anything my kids want! We love to swim and eat outside on the back patio!

  9. Swimming, BBQs, and catching fireflies!

  10. Swim first thing in the morning (since it's too hot in the afternoon)!

  11. I love how tired my kids are at the end if the day and LOVE the nasty ring around the tub when they get out. I judge how well they played that day on how dirty the tub is when we drain the water!

  12. What I love most about summer is sitting outside at night--anywhere-- and the temperature is just right. No sweaters needed!

  13. already a GFC follower :)

    What I love about summer is being able to go barefoot and wear shorts. :) Also love warm summer nights.

    tnshadylady at

  14. Favorite thing is morning swims and Salads for dinner.

  15. I love how in the summer you just feel kind of more free than you do at other times in the year. You can go out & do what you want, the light evenings and sunny weather. Being able to spend time with friends & enjoy yourself without the burden of school. I always feel more myself in summer as I can just let myself go and don't have to worry about being perfect as I'm off to the beach or something. It's just a pretty happy time!

  16. I'm a follower! And the best thing about summer is not having to wake up my little boys for school at 6am! Hallelujah!

  17. I love grilling outside, fresh fruits and veggies and lake time!

  18. days on the lake with friends and bbq's and bonfires at night:)

  19. I love walking on the beach with my husband and pups....nothing better!

  20. I'm a blog follower and my fave part of summer is definitely the heat!

  21. i love going to the lake and swimming(:
    rawbeautygirl at gmail dot com

  22. I like swimming :)

  23. Fingers crossed! And for what i love about summer, beach days with my girl and vacations.

  24. Love the smell of suntan lotion, especially coconut

  25. I'm a follower! Love corn on the cob and fresh fruit!

  26. Snow Cones and Family Reunions... And I saw you on Studio 5! Great job, I have loved your blog. Maybe one day I will start updating mine again! :)

  27. Girl's trips with old friends, summer nights around a bonfire with all the makings for s'mores, after-sun lotion with a wonderful coconut smell, and geting more time with my football coach husband!

  28. I'm a follower! My favorite thing about summer is being able to eat fresh veggies from our garden.

  29. Ali, I am now officially a follower of your blog and posted it to my Facebook status, cuz let's face it- it pretty much rocks. My favorite thing about summer used to be Rough Riders, but now... I guess I'll say my baby in her yellow polka dot sun hat! ADORABLE!!!

  30. I am a follower! Love your blog! I love swimming and bbq's with the fam!

  31. boating with the family wins every time. I love summer just for that.

  32. What a super cute blog!! Lacey posted this on her FB page and here I am!! I LOVE SUMMER CAMPING with my kids and grandkids.... It's all about makin' memories! =O)

  33. Ali, I love your blog. I am now a follwer of your blog. I also posted on FB. I love Lake Powell in the summer.

    Also, I would love some ideas on clothing for a photo shoot. We are getting our family pictures done in August. I would love some input. I have spent hours trying to figure out what to wear. Please email me at and we can talk about pricing and such.

  34. I followed your blog . Favorite activity in the summer playing at the park with my grandkids and I love wadingin the river at zion's park. Jill Finley is my sister and Lacey sent me.

  35. love the fresh produce, the long days & the warmth!

  36. Ali-
    You have such great style! I watched you on Studio 5 the other day and you were great! I wish I had your talent! I love reading your blog. It gives me some much needed fashion insight.
    One of my favorite things about summer is that I finally have the time to head to the the beach. Love the beach! I also love summer BBQ's. They are the best. I'll do my best to spread the word about your blog because you are AMAZING!
